West Coast Blue


Product Details

When it comes to the artwork on your walls, less can sometimes be more. And that's exactly what you get with our West Coast Blue canvas. Complete in a maple wood frame, this beautiful and serene piece of art portrays shades of blue and grey, perfect for any home in need of a pop of color.

 Made in California by local artists

Printed on matte canvas, stretched and finished in maple wood frames.

Dimensions: 30" L x 20" H

Ships in 4-6 weeks

custom sizing available upon request

Care Instructions

Carefully dust with feather duster or soft cloth.

Shipping & Returns

Meet Savara


Not long ago, Savera struggled to provide basic needs for her family in Rwanda. With assistance from our non-profit micro loan partner, an entrepreneur was born. Today, Savera employs 50 people in her community and owns a supermarket, hardware store, painting business, and a furniture workshop (our personal fav)!
A portion of your purchase is donated to empower budding entrepreneurs like Savera around the globe.

our give back program

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